behind the
I guess it’s time that I get around to introducing myself.
My name is Kathleen Gamble. However, everyone knows me as either Katy or Katybug. I am a wife and a mother of two challenging kiddos. ​My go-to pastimes: adventures, animals, and the Great Outdoors. Generally, I find myself either attempting to keep up with our ever-changing lives or trying to make it through life like I know what I'm doing (which I don't. Ha!). When I'm feeling REALLY productive, I try to do both!
A little Backstory called:
My Life.
Everyone who loved me called me KatyBUG
I grew up with a passion for beautiful things and a love of animals. Babies: human or animal, it didn’t matter--I couldn’t get enough and couldn’t wait to become a mom. I participated in just about every activity imaginable growing up: sports(every, single, one) band, horseback riding, and theater. Surprisingly enough I never took any classes for art. Needless to say, I was very busy.
He (and most of our friends) were amazing performers, I could have easily spent ALL day watching them--most of the time I DID! I got into tech theater: lighting, sound, costumes, make up, production: all so much fun! Mixed with my quick-to-learn attitude, I ended up managing most of the shows. I gained some pretty amazing life skills from the two incredible teachers, who taught us so much more than just theater.
I met my husband, and high school sweetheart in theatre.
I went to college for a Veterinary degree.
I had planned on going to vet school. I just hadn’t really accounted for how much debt that would put me in, and how it would affect becoming a mom. Taylor and I got married towards the end of college and used our time studying Abroad as an extended honeymoon in the Czech Republic. It was beautiful! We learned so much. They’re a fantastic group of people. Not only do they have the best pastries you’ll ever have in your life; their way of life is so laid-back. It was extremely refreshing. There’s not near as much hustle and bustle as there is in America, which made coming home very difficult.
I was Not prepared for how difficult motherhood would be...
With all my childcare experience, I was convinced becoming a mother would be a piece of cake. Well, let me tell you: God has one great sense of humor! Humbled, I went through some pretty dark years: learning that checking all the boxes never equates to "The Perfect Life". I am thankful. Those bumps and bruises along the way, all taught me something.
In a way, I became a Jack of All Trades:
No, Really! Look at this Collection: *In-home Day Care *Graduate (with an 18-month-old in-tow and pregnant with the other!) *Usborne BookLady *Overnight Technician in Large Animal ICU *Crochet Guru *Household Agriculturalist *Preschool Teacher *Homemaker *Wife *MOM *Homeschool Leader I have morphed and evolved so many times as our family has rolled with it, trying to figure out this "Life" thing.
they NEVER stop moving and inquisitively analyze every particle of life...
If you've ever met my children, you know: I absolutely love it! However, it's exhausting and doesn’t exactly fit in to the public school curriculum. Coming from teachers, working with teachers and being teachers ourselves; this was a tough one to swallow. It wasn’t anything the public school system did wrong, and it definitely wasn’t anything wrong with our kiddos. It did show us, however, that our lives needed to change and I was gonna have to morph and evolve again.
Homeschooling, homemaking, trying to pay the bills on the new budget, "MOM"ing... I needed to showcase all my skills, my trades, my morphs. If we’re being honest, No company would ever hire a single person to cover so many differing fields of expertise. But I CAN work in all of those little avenues! My babies are growing into amazing little humans! I need to be home, helping my little ones, BUT...contributing to the family funds...that would be nice...So, naturally, I created my own business: